"Perfection Is Impossible And Certainly Overrated." - Maame Adjei

Maame Adjei is not only one of the stars in Ghana’s hottest new series An African City playing the character Zainab but she’s bringing her creative ideas to the season as Co-Producer.  The beauty was one of the first women I had the opportunity to interview when Sincerely, Vee first premiered back in 2015.  Maame Adjei is quickly reaching international status as An African City has been featured on the Hollywood Reporter and one of Maame’s favorite sites Refinery29, just to name a couple. I recently caught up with Maame Adjei just after the season two premiere of An African City for a quick update on what’s happening in her life.

1.     It’s been two weeks since the highly anticipated premiere of ‘An African City’ premiered? How are you feeling?

I’m so excited and pleased by the response the season is getting so far. One of the things I was a little nervous about was how people will feel now that the show is 30 mins. There is something about a 15 min episode that leaves you wanting more and I was worried that we would loose people who were used that that format but the response has been fantastic.

2.     Two episodes in and you continue to receive positive feedback. Do you think the wait as worth especially being that many of your fans have been anxiety waiting for this new season?

The fans say it was so I guess it was. lol. I think after watching Season 2 you might understand why it took so long for us to come back. Producing a series is no small feat and Nicole certainly wasn’t twiddling her thumbs for the last year. It involves a lot of leg work and we just needed that time to get everything together to create a a season the fans would enjoy.

3.     Before we get into more of you, this season from episode one, there was a lot of sex featured, were you not afraid of how Ghanaians would perceive the show?

I’d be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous. I think as a society we hide the fact that we’re sexual beings so much sex in any form of art is blown up to be a huge thing and the other themes of the work get lost. To be honest An African City is probably 20 percent sex. We talk about tons of other things but the fixation is on the sex for obvious reason.

4.     New season, new characters. What can fans expect from the rest of season two of An African City?

Definitely more fleshed out story lines for season 2. We’re tackling a lot of the issues going on in Ghana in a comedic way, from politics to good old ECG. However, we also deal with some sensitive issues head on. What I love about season 2 is that we throw in a lot of the criticism we received (constructive and other wise) right back in the show. One criticism I saw floating around that I found hilarious was that we’re faking accents and how problematic that was for the culture. I won’t even get into what I feel about that but I loved how Nicole just wrote that right back in the show in a hilarious way.

5.     Now that you’ve premiered An African City, what is next from Maame Adjei and the Maame Adjei growing brand?

Maame Adjei wants to do a million things! lol. But I have to pace my self. Right now I I’m working on my travel show Girl Going Places (View trailer here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTHAh30684o). I’ll have a pilot season with mini episodes that will be aired online by the middle of the year then hopefully I’ll start working on a full season early 2017. I’m also co-producing an amazing project I’m so excited about. I can’t say much but it involves a classic Ghanaian show and many of Ghana’s finest actors.

6.     I see your biography on instagram says you’re an Actor, Producer and Artist. Which would you say you are most passionate about?All of them are essential to who I am but I do love production a bit more. I love seeing all the pieces of the puzzle come together from the inception of the idea till it’s on the screens and the audience is enjoying it. I find that it’s much harder than the other two (Artist/Actor) but I thrive on that.


7.     How would you say you’ve grown since moving to Ghana and do you ever have moments of regret?

I’ve grown a lot since moving to Ghana. I thought I was independent when I lived in the States and in many ways I was but being an entrepreneur or self employed in Ghana brings you to a whole new level of independence work wise. I’m definitely more determined than I used to be. On a personal level I’m just more clear headed and focused here. They’ve been many trying times but I’ve never regretted moving. I’ve had my moments where I questioned the timing of my decision but then I always check myself and remind myself of how much beauty has come into my life since I moved back.

8.     There are many young girls who look up to you as a role model.  How have you been able to stay true to yourself?

Scary thought! I’ve just stayed close to the people who know me best and who I know best. They constantly put everything into perspective for me. I moved to Ghana to pursue a full life and my everyday mantra is “Does this thing you’re about to do make you happy and sit well with you gut?” If yes do it! If no sit down in your corner and mind your business. lol

9.     What has been your biggest fear in life and how were you able to overcome it?

My biggest fear is that my fear of failing will prevent me for achieving all my dreams. Sounds crazy huh! Everyday I try and overcome something or push through something. It could be as little as making a phone call I’ve been running from or sending an email pitching an idea I’ve been afraid would be dismissed. Every day I make one small push.

10. In your downtime, what does Maame Adjei do?

I’m such a home body. If I’m not home watching Martin reruns or playing super Nintendo (Yes I still own a super Nintendo) I’m at a friends or catching up with my loved ones.

11.  What is your hope for young girls trying to find themselves in a world where the media wants us to believe we must be perfect.

Perfection is impossible and certainly overrated. Whats that one thing that one thing you would wake up everyday and gladly do for free? Whats that one thing that moves you and is your passion? Find that thing and chase it down with everything in you. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s a pipe dream or a foolish idea. Just do it.