World Breastfeeding Awareness Week!
This week marked the 25th year in which over 120 countries around the world raised awareness as to the importance of breastfeeding. The focus is to encourage breastfeeding and improving the health of babies all around the world.
For some mothers, breastfeeding is a breeze in the park while for others, it's not as easy but do not give up and do not be discouraged. For some, their newborn latches on right away and mommy is producing sufficient milk while for others, it's the complete opposite.
From sore nipples to just feeling as though you're not doing it right; other women have been in the same situation as you. So, never think you are alone!
For mommy's having a difficult time breastfeeding, here are some personal tips:
Medela Tender Care Nipple Therapy offers a soothing relief for tender and sore nipples.
Organic Mother's Milk promotes healthy lactation and according to numerous women, this tea has helped them to support their production of breast milk.
Oh, did you know that Goya Malta (non-alcoholic) is also said to help produce breast milk?
Placing your newborn on your boob every chance you get.
A Support system. My mom, best friend and lactation nurse have been huge encouragements when it comes to breastfeeding because yes, I almost gave up at one point.
Pros of breastfeeding:
Money saver (WooHoo)
When it comes to your newborn latching on, it's a beautiful bonding experience for you and your baby.
Colds and viruses are reduced among newborn babies.
It's so easy! No bottle making and you literally pull your shirt up and there you go, start nursing.
I will add this. For mom's who are unable to breastfeed don't beat yourself up.
If you are producing milk but your baby isn't latching on; pump! pump! pump! and bottle feed (Avent bottles are excellent) your baby. Hold your baby close so you still have that skin to skin contact.
If you're not producing enough milk, try the Mommy Milk and Goya Malta as stated above to increase your milk supply.
A small percentage of moms just can't breastfeed and it's not their choice. Don't be hard on yourself. It's OKAY.
Some moms can't nurse exclusively due to low supply of milk and will supplement with formula and that's fine also. Nurse or pump as much as you can and top up with formula.
Motherhood is an incredible journey. Enjoy every moment!