My Favorite Ghanaian Beauty Brands...
Yes, i’m obsessed with all things beauty and I am an impulsive buyer when it comes to beauty products. Bad right? I know. My beauty stash has become a bit much, a bit too much. LOL.
Over the past few months, i’ve been introduced to numerous Ghanaian beauty brands and yes, you’ll find me testing each and everyone of them. Why not? Who doesn’t want the ultimate glow 24/7 right?
Check out the Ghanaian beauty brands that have my attention and they should have yours too:
Tree of Life (Herbal Facial Soap) - OBSESSED! I had noticed a flew blemishes appearing on my face and just days after using the Tree of Life (Herbal Facial Soap), they began to fade. Bye, bye blemishes.
2. R & R Luxury - (Shea Oil for Face & Body) - Hunnnies, I use this particular product during my nightly after bathing routine. I wake up and my skin is simply glowing and the moisture locks on overnight.
3.SO Aesthetics Two-Way Foundation - I’ve actually had this velvet powder for sometime now but most recently is when I began using it as my daily powder. It’s not heavy on your skin. I always say, in this heat, minimal is the best and the SO Aesthetics Two-Way Foundation does the job.
4. SO Aesthetics Eye & Browliner No. 01 Dark Brown - I use this pencil to line my lips before blending it with my nude lippie.