Create, OWN & Stay in Your Lane!

In a world where you can become everything and anything you’ve ever dreamed of, it’s also easy to think what you’ve dreamt of isn’t as good as maybe what the next person is accomplishing. Well, you need to think again and what you need to do is CREATE YOUR LANE, OWN IT and stay in it. Stop watching what the next person is doing and asking yourself “Shouldn’t I be doing more?”.

The first step is to focus on what you bring to any table and MASTER it. You don’t want to be a “jack of all trades and a master at none.” That is simply the worst.

I always give the example of when I created Sincerely, Vee. Not only did I know my vision for that moment but I always knew where I wanted to see SV over a span of years and you know what that meant? I had to continue learning and evolving with Sincerely, Vee.


I also knew there would be many storms ahead that I would have to withstand and I had to be prepared for them. I knew there would be times when maybe my vision might be swayed but I would have to continue to remind myself of why I created Sincerely, Vee.

When you know what you bring to the table, you never have to watch someone else’s table or even eat off of someone else’s table; you’ll only get distracted and we definitely don’t need that. Look at Cardi B. She has stayed in her lane and while some may not be feeling her, many more love her and you know why? She’s been able to stay true to who she is while building a solid brand.

I’m writing this quick piece because I have people asking me daily for advice and the best advice is to stay focused. Your biggest competition? YOU!!!!!