#COVID19: The Importance of A Mommy Group!
I will always, always, always recommend a mommy group to all my mamas. Mamas, be sure to find the perfect mommy group that suits your needs because trust me, there are so many.
During the Corona Virus pandemic, the mommy group i’m apart of has kept me entertained, educated and well-informed via our group chat. No in-person meet ups as we are practicing social isolation. The support we have been giving each other has been nothing short of amazing. As a mom, it’s vital to speak to other moms and realize, you are not on this journey of mothehood alone.
There’s a comfort when you are in a mommy group and you are discussing what your child is doing and another mom will say, “OMG, my son/daughter did that…” or “Mommy, please don’t worry, every child matures at their own stage…”
A mommy group allows you to open up about your personal experience as a mom without any judgement. From your best to worst days, how your children are driving you up a wall and everything in-between, a mommy group is a platform that allows you to just BE.
A mommy group is also a way to gain exposure to the different styles of parenting.
I really wanted a sense of privacy and security when I was looking into mommy groups. Privacy and security meaning what is said in the group doesn’t find its way out. VERY IMPORTANT.
Listen being a new mom or even a veteran mom can be an isolating experience. Talking about your experience and challenges is much-need and more so talking to others who can relate to what you’re going through.
For my mamas in Ghana, Modern Day Mom will be launching very soon. MDM is Ghana’s Premiere Lifestyle Hub which amongst other things will connect you to the perfect mommy group based on your needs.
Stay safe mamas.