The Importance of Taking Care of Your Health...

                                     Photo Credit: Texas Health Services

                                     Photo Credit: Texas Health Services

When was the last time you scheduled and actually showed up for your doctor's visit? I'm guessing you're still thinking right? I can't emphasize how important it is to take care of your well-being. A visit to your doctor can save your life and I know you know that even though you try to sweep it under the rug. It's normal that most humans are afraid to enter a doctor's office because of what they might hear but wouldn't you rather have an early detection IF something may be off than be too late? 

Health issues have a way of sneaking up on you even when you are feeling great. This is because sometimes there are no physical symptoms such as when one suffers from a heart attack; most people have zero warning signs. 

                                      Photo Credit: Medical News Today

                                      Photo Credit: Medical News Today

As an adult, it is advised that everyone should have a yearly check up/physical but of course, each person's case is different. 

How often should you see a gynecologist? According to, if you're over 21 but under 29, you should have a pelvic and breast exam once a year. 

                                            Photo Credit: Google

                                            Photo Credit: Google

During this yearly visit, you will also have a Pap Smear done. What is a Pap Smear? A screening which checks for cancer of the cervix or any type of abnormalities which could turn cancerous. If you are between the ages of 30 to 64, it is also recommended to have a pelvic exam once a year but a Pap Smear every other year.

                                Photo Credit: Google

                                Photo Credit: Google

Ladies, be open with your primary care physician and your gynecologist. Build a trustworthy relationship with them. You must be comfortable opening up about your sexual history/partners, if you've noticed any changes in your menstrual cycle, abnormal bleeding or any type of abnormalities. If you notice any unfamiliar changes to your body, MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH YOUR DOCTOR ASAP. Please, do not wait until it's too late.

Lastly, it's important to have an honest and open conversation with your partner about your sexual history and don't be afraid to educate them on the importance of being tested. 

This is Part 1 of The Importance of Taking Care of Your Health. Part 2 will be up in a couple of days as I document the past year of Ghanaian Media Personality, Caroline Sampson's health scare journey.