My Greatest Lessons of 2019!

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2019 has been one of the best, freeing and self-caring years that i’ve had in sometime.

I’m going to keep this short and sweet. Here are my 10 greatest lessons of 2019…

  1. Continuing to walk on my own path in life has been the most authentic decision I made many years ago and this year proved that.

  2. My vision is grand and despite a few setbacks, I am still moving forward.

  3. Average is not in my vocabulary.

  4. Loving myself allows me to give more.

  5. Children can teach you more than you think. I learn something different from my son everyday.

  6. In order to heal, you must be prepared to let go.

  7. Words are powerful.

  8. Loyalty is RARE.

  9. I am my happiness.

  10. My thoughts are powerful. Positive thoughts only.

As we wrap up 2019, a gentle reminder. A pure heart ALWAYS wins. Not one person on this earth is perfect. NOT ONE. We all have made questionable decisions. We have all hurt people at one time or another…We have hurt ourselves. BUT, there’s a difference in intentionally being a horrible, mean spirited person and unintentionally making decisions that may not have been the best. And trust me THAT difference is HUGE but when you have a PURE HEART, the universe will forever be in your favour.

I want you to enter 2020 feeling so powerful, happy, at peace, and ready to take your life to the next level.

Accept your past. Mend your heart. Find your happiness. And be the best you. Don’t just exist. LIVE.